This tutorial demonstrates how to take advantage of Rtree for querying data that have a spatial component that can be modeled as bounding boxes.
Creating an index¶
The following section describes the basic instantiation and usage of Rtree.
After installing Rtree, you should be able to open up a Python prompt and issue the following:
>>> from rtree import index
is organized as a Python package with a couple of modules
and two major classes - rtree.index.Index
. Users manipulate these classes to interact
with the index.
Construct an instance¶
After importing the index module, construct an index with the default construction:
>>> idx = index.Index()
While the default construction is useful in many cases, if you want to
manipulate how the index is constructed you will need pass in a
instance when creating the index.
Create a bounding box¶
After instantiating the index, create a bounding box that we can insert into the index:
>>> left, bottom, right, top = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
The coordinate ordering for all functions are sensitive the the index’s
data member. If
is False, the coordinates must
be in the form [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, …, …, kmin, kmax]. If
is True, the coordinates must be
in the form [xmin, ymin, …, kmin, xmax, ymax, …, kmax].
Insert records into the index¶
Insert an entry into the index:
>>> idx.insert(0, (left, bottom, right, top))
Entries that are inserted into the index are not unique in either the sense of the id or of the bounding box that is inserted with index entries. If you need to maintain uniqueness, you need to manage that before inserting entries into the Rtree.
Inserting a point, i.e. where left == right && top == bottom, will essentially insert a single point entry into the index instead of copying extra coordinates and inserting them. There is no shortcut to explicitly insert a single point, however.
Query the index¶
There are three primary methods for querying the index.
will return you index entries that
cross or are contained within the given query window.
Given a query window, return ids that are contained within the window:
>>> list(idx.intersection((1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0)))
Given a query window that is beyond the bounds of data we have in the index:
>>> list(idx.intersection((1.0000001, 1.0000001, 2.0, 2.0)))
Nearest Neighbors¶
The following finds the 1 nearest item to the given bounds. If multiple items are of equal distance to the bounds, both are returned:
>>> idx.insert(1, (left, bottom, right, top))
>>> list(idx.nearest((1.0000001, 1.0000001, 2.0, 2.0), 1))
[0, 1]
Using Rtree as a cheapo spatial database¶
Rtree also supports inserting any object you can pickle into the index (called
a clustered index in libspatialindex parlance). The following inserts the
picklable object 42
into the index with the given id:
>>> idx.insert(id=id, coordinates=(left, bottom, right, top), obj=42)
You can then return a list of objects by giving the objects=True
to intersection:
>>> [n.object for n in idx.intersection((left, bottom, right, top), objects=True)]
[None, None, 42]
libspatialindex’s clustered indexes were not designed to be a database. You get none of the data integrity protections that a database would purport to offer, but this behavior of Rtree can be useful nonetheless. Consider yourself warned. Now go do cool things with it.
Serializing your index to a file¶
One of Rtree’s most useful properties is the ability to serialize Rtree indexes to disk. These include the clustered indexes described here:
>>> file_idx = index.Rtree('rtree')
>>> file_idx.insert(1, (left, bottom, right, top))
>>> file_idx.insert(2, (left - 1.0, bottom - 1.0, right + 1.0, top + 1.0))
>>> [n for n in file_idx.intersection((left, bottom, right, top))]
[1, 2]
By default, if an index file with the given name rtree in the example
above already exists on the file system, it will be opened in append mode
and not be re-created. You can control this behavior with the
property of the index property
that can be given to the rtree.index.Index
See also
Performance describes some parameters you can tune to make file-based indexes run a bit faster. The choices you make for the parameters is entirely dependent on your usage.
Modifying file names¶
Rtree uses the extensions dat and idx by default for the two index files
that are created when serializing index data to disk. These file extensions
are controllable using the rtree.index.Property.dat_extension
index properties.
>>> p = rtree.index.Property()
>>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
>>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
>>> file_idx = index.Index('rtree', properties = p)
3D indexes¶
As of Rtree version 0.5.0, you can create 3D (actually kD) indexes. The
following is a 3D index that is to be stored on disk. Persisted indexes are
stored on disk using two files – an index file (.idx) and a data (.dat) file.
You can modify the extensions these files use by altering the properties of
the index at instantiation time. The following creates a 3D index that is
stored on disk as the files 3d_index.data
and 3d_index.index
>>> from rtree import index
>>> p = index.Property()
>>> p.dimension = 3
>>> p.dat_extension = 'data'
>>> p.idx_extension = 'index'
>>> idx3d = index.Index('3d_index',properties=p)
>>> idx3d.insert(1, (0, 60, 23.0, 0, 60, 42.0))
>>> idx3d.intersection( (-1, 62, 22, -1, 62, 43))
ZODB and Custom Storages¶
https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zodb-dev/2010-June/013491.html contains a custom storage backend for ZODB and you can find example python code here. Note that the code was written in 2011, hasn’t been updated and was only an alpha version.